  • V1 Vending Massage Chair


With Apex’s vending massage chair, you get a great vending unit at a great price. Unfortunately, its lack of features make it an inferior massage chair when compared to the Vending 5. If you're able to splurge a little bit more, we recommend you get the Vending 5, which is at the top of our list.

Features of the V1 Massage Chair

Fully Automated

Like almost all vending massage chairs on the market, the V1 Vending Massage Chair is completely automated, which means all business owners have to do is purchase the chair, plug it in, and start earning money. Apex makes their massage chair parts easily accessible, so if there are any issues, users can simply call in and have their issues resolved with little to no cost.

Optional Credit Card Reader

Although most transactions in the vending industry use cash, having an option for credit cards is extremely important. If a business owner wants a credit card reader installed, then this option is available and highly recommended.

User friendly interface

One thing the V1 Vending massage chair exceeds at is its extreme ease of use. Customers can simply sit in the chair, slip in their $1, $5, or $10 bills, and enjoy a relaxing massage. Another benefit is the fact that the massage chair is component based, which means if there is an issue, fixing the chair is extremely easy.

Arm Massage

Although the arm massage is not as not as extensive as the Vending 5's, it still gives customers a relaxing massage along the shoulders, arms, and triceps. Users who are wanting a more extensive arm massage should splurge a bit more for a massage chair like the Vending 5.

Calf Massage

Apex 1's calf massage feature is highly coveted, and it's ability to dig deep and get those often-sore muscles is a key feature of this chair. Still, it's somewhat lacking in its massage feature when compared to the Vending 5, which features a much more extensive calf and foot massage.

Rollers for your back

Just like the Vending 5, Apex's V1 uses rollers that move up and down your back to provide a combination of Shiatsu, Clapping, Rolling, Kneading, Swedish, and Tapping Massage techniques.


Although not as impressive as other vending massage chairs on the market, the V1 makes up for its extremely low price. If customers are looking for an entry-level, easy to use chair, this could be the perfect fit. As we tracked ROI for this product, we found that business owners earned their money back in as little to 3-5 years - much faster than some of the other options on this list. However, because the char is made with cheaper materials, it is known to wear down a little more often than some of the other options on this list.


While Apex’s vending massage chair delivers a good product at a low price, there is the drawback of its cheap build. If you’re wanting a vending unit that will last a lot longer, and that has more features, consider spending a little more for MB’s Vending 5, which is at the top of our list.