Biggest Return on Investment:

Vending devices are a tremendous source of passive income that can increase your business’ atmosphere and ability to create extra profit. Each year billions of dollars are collected from vending machines all across the world, and thousands of business owners are turning to vending machines as a way to increase their sales and revenue. Although vending machines are an excellent way to produce passive income, not all vending devices will be right for your business. If a vending machine is not earning its ROI, chances are not enough research was conducted. Factors like foot traffic and the age and demographic of your customers have a significant impact on what kind of machines will make a profit. To get the most for your money, you need to do your research and get the best vending machine that will suit your business’ needs and desires. Below is a list of some benefits you can experience from installing a vending machine in your business or property.

1. Vending Machines Don’t Cost That Much Money

Most vending machines cost somewhere between $2,000 - $5,000 but they can get as high as $25,000 or even $50,000 depending on what type of products/services they offer. The good news is once you purchase your vending machine it will cost very little to maintain. This means you won’t have to stress about hiring anyone to keep the device running. All you have to do is plug in the device, set prices, and leave it alone as it does all the work for you.

As far as investments go, vending machines are pretty inexpensive. When you’re looking to make an investment, consider buying a device that won’t cost you an arm and a leg, and make sure it gets placed in an area with plenty of foot traffic. If you own a business, you won’t want your vending machine hiding off in some corner collecting dust. Vending machines should be out in the lobby, next to frequently-used doors, or in break rooms that feature a lot of employees. Learn to be strategic about your locations and figure out what kind of snacks or services you want your device to offer. Thinking of these questions now instead of after you have purchased your machine will help you make a profit as quickly as possible.

2. Vending Machines Are Easy To Maintain

Vending machines are much more easier to maintain than a store or employee. All you have to do is set up the device and restock or service it when maintenance is required. Vending machines rarely require future service unless some mechanism inside of the device breaks down. In the case of snack and beverage machines, you will have to plan for shopping days when you can purchase and restock items when your device runs out. If, on the other hand, you decide to invest in a service device like a vending massage chair, then the lack of shopping trips and restocking fees will be an added benefit. The best thing about vending massage chairs is you rarely ever have to maintain them after they have been purchased. You just plug it in and clean it as needed and call in technicians rarely when the device does break down. Vending machines should never cause problems on a frequent basis, so if you are experiencing constant issues with your vending machine, it might be time for an upgrade.

3. Vending Machines Are A Great Way for Your Business To Earn Extra Money


Two of the most common things that customers look for when they are shopping is ease and comfort. Businesses can set up their floors with devices that provide easy-to-use vending devices to improve the overall feel of their businesses. To give customers more reasons to visit your store over a competitor’s, vending devices can be a way to keep them coming back. Having vending machines strategically placed in and around your property can be a way to increase your customers’ return value, and what better way to increase your number of returning customers by providing snacks, drinks, and comfortable massages that will make them feel taken care of?

4. Vending Machines Boost Returning Customers


Two of the most common things that customers look for when they are shopping is ease and comfort. Businesses can set up their floors with devices that provide easy-to-use vending devices to improve the overall feel of their businesses. To give customers more reasons to visit your store over a competitor’s, vending devices can be a way to keep them coming back. Having vending machines strategically placed in and around your property can be a way to increase your customers’ return value, and what better way to increase your number of returning customers by providing snacks, drinks, and comfortable massages that will make them feel taken care of?

5. Vending Machines Keep Your Employees Happy

When the afternoon hits and your staff comes down from their delicious lunch, work can get a little less productive. As an employer, one of your worst nightmares is having a lackluster staff. With quality vending machines in and around your office, you can assure that your employees are happy and alert throughout the day. When hunger strikes or when stiffness hits their bodies, they can walk over to a vending machine and get what they need to feel and work their best.


Vending machines placed strategically in and around your business will carry a lot of benefits. They will not only increase sales and add an extra source of income, vending machines will add atmosphere to your workplace, keep your employees happy, and increase the potential of returning customers. When purchasing a vending machine, make sure you have plenty of foot traffic and the age and demographics of customers to support it. You don’t want to set up a candy vending machine in the middle of an organic market or a beverage device in a store with 20 other soda machines. Keep in mind of what other stores and vending devices are around you, and do the work to know what strategically placing your machines in your business looks like.